Asset Context Engineering

Discover an Asset Context Engineering solution with Piloté™. Dedicated to integrators and in-house IT teams, it allows you to take control of your semantic platform.

Key features


Concepts and business relations

Model your business concepts and the relationnships between them according to your business needs, in line with W3C standards (ontologies and knowledge graphs). 

Inference rules
Multiply connections dynamically to bring out precise information for your end users.
A living model: thanks to W3C standards, the solution remains flexible and scalable (avoiding tedious and costly updates). 

According to W3C, RDF and OWL standard


Import/export your resources (data,  documents, content etc.) from your digital ecosystem
Connection to your existing digital ecosystem (database, CRM , ERP, applications, API, etc) setting up connectors to:
. Connect using any standard protocol
. Map to your model allowing reconciliation and standardisation according to your defined business needs.

SDK integration (Python, Ruby etc)
Low code / no code

AI processing and analysis tools
Our SDK is designed to facilitate the integration of any AI tool (visual, analysis, face recognition, speech to text, named entity recognition etc). We contextualise the execution of AI so that only what makes sens for your user’s businesses is retained.

SDK integration (Python, Ruby, etc)

Open data
Any source of information on the web can enrich, complete and update your own information with native compatibility in the case fo a Linked Open Data source, by simple configuration according to W3C or SPARQL standards, or via specific connectors for any others web source.


Orchestration of resource processing

Resource processing engineering
Workflow engine for orchestration:
Combination of all needed import, anlaysis and export processing at ingest, delivery or even any user action steps. 

Available via restful API

Graphical worflow configuration (low code) 
Fully graphical configuration of sequencing and processing execution rules. Combine diverse services according to your specific ingest, delivery and processing needs. 

Resource processing monitoring 
Overview and control of all carried out processes. 

According to W3C, RDF and URI standard


Customized UX

. Configuration of specific information views according to user needs to boost operationnal efficiency. 
. Personnalized corporate identity and style guide = adapt the corporate identity and style guide to any visual identity

Search configuration according to W3C and SPARQL standards
Configure exactly what you need to be indexed from your knowledge graph, at any depth level, delivering to your users all the needed entry points to the content. 

Customisable connectors
Each connector comes with its own specific configuration interface, so you can always adapt its execution to your context.


Off-the-shell business context. 
Coherent set of connectors, ontologies, workflows and basic customizations tailored to business needs. 
Ready to be extended to fit your business context as your own package to suit your business context. 


Build your own package


Concepts: documents, entities, digital resources…

Relations: expresssion, notable date, identifier…

Rules: W3C standard


Sources & targets: FTP, NFS, SMB, HTTP, AWS, Google Drive, Azure…

Processing & AI: named entity recognition, Azure translation

Open data: Wikidata, Google KG


Workflows: ingest document, LOD retrieval, export document…


User view: document file, entity file, filter by date…


Concepts: editorial object, video, image, sound

Relations: main subject, display, mention

Rules: proxy resolution = document resolution



Sources: standard multimedia file format, Adobe XMP

Processing & AI: Azure Speech to text, Speechmatics, Google Vision visual analysis, Veritone facial recognition, multimedia transcoding… 



Workflows: enrich editorial object, transcode media, extract thumbnail…



User view: video, file, image, filter by main subject, mention or display


Concepts: programme, story, rush…

Relations: casting, director, interviewee..

Rules: rush rights = rights propagated on the programme


Sources & targets: EVS VIA MAP – Media Asset Plateform, Adobe Premiere


Workflows: ingest programme, create story…


User view: programme sheet, story sheet, filter by right


Concepts: game, player, team…

Relations: result, goal, opponent…



Processing & AI: all the same options as the multimédia package

Sources & targets: Opta logs, Wikidata sport data…



Workflows: ingest Opta logs, ingest player information…



User view: search by opponent, search by scorer, player sheet, game sheet…

Our use cases related to Piloté™

France Televisions


Global data governance and efficent access for all teams 
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Bouygues Telecom

Bouygues Telecom

Take possession of your data thanks to Artificial Intelligence
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